In the present reward system, journal publications influence funding and promotion decisions; the vast majority of research-paper preprints in physics are therefore also submitted to journals. Journals provide additional services including:
Based on experiences at very established (e.g., ArXiv) and newer, but rapidly growing preprint services (e.g. BiorXiv, SocArXiv), there is no clear evidence that preprints lead to being scooped.
If someone is prepared to steal ideas from a timestamped/’DOI’d’ preprint, they would likely do the same from material in a journal or from a conference presentation.
The reputational damage associated with intellectual theft and plagiarism is significant and long-lasting; thus the latter is very rare.
Anecdotal evidence suggests this behaviour has not emerged in the communities that use the arXiv.
Because preprinting requires public disclosure, authors are wary of developing a bad reputation. If the work is poor, it will likely be ignored by the rest of the community. The same applies to material published in any journal.
RSS feeds allow sorting of material in paleorXiv; cf. Google Scholar.
Initial evidence and download statistics suggests paleorXiv is hosting high-quality, desirable material.
No. paleorXiv is also a repository for postprints (i.e. material already published in a journal).
Depending on journal policy, we can host the Author Accepted Manuscript (i.e. accepted version of paper, but before publisher typesetting) (AAMs) or the Version of Record (VoR) (i.e. published version of paper, after publisher typesetting).
Use of preprints has been ongoing in other disciplines for, in some cases, a few decades, many publishers have preprint-friendly policies already in place for their journals.
Again, please check your journal’s policy on our database here for more information.
Open Science Framework’s infrastructure allows for an unlimited amount of space for direct uploading of publication-related data, but limited to 5GB per file.
More commonly, data, and especially large volumes of data, are stored on external sites (e.g. Dropbox, GitHub, figshare, Google Drive) and linked back to the related preprint/postprint.
More information on connecting these services via the OSF can be found here.